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More CO2 leaks at ADM escape public notice - See more

City of Decatur faces $4.2 million deficit in 2025 - Read more

More gambling, end of tax loophole, police contract, and CO2 leak among topics of next council meeting - Learn more

Leak calls into question safety of CO2 sequestration under Lake Decatur - See more

More protection for pets coming to Decatur - Read more

Decatur is the cheapest place to live in the U.S. - Learn more

Decatur can do more to protect people during excessive heat - See more

Why Decatur's carbon sequestration agreement is a disservice to Decatur residents - Read more

The utility tax loophole should end for largest users of fossil fuels - Learn more 

As Decatur's population shrinks, calls for assistance by residents grows - See more

Decatur will unnecessarily lose millions in tax revenue to Forsyth cannabis dispensary - Read more

Hailstorm caused millions in damage to Decatur homes - Learn more

Decatur needs more childcare.  The city council can help - See more 

New TIF district added to Decatur - Read more

Delipidated buildings are a public safety threat. Their removal is an economic development opportunity - Learn more

Decatur's 3% property tax increase signals challenges ahead - See more

Alarm calls to Decatur Fire Department break record in 2023 - Read more

Stigma threatens health and well-being of Decatur's youth - Learn more

Decatur's population is declining.  Will traditional economic growth reverse the trend? - See more 

Despite dredging Lake Decatur, city to spend millions more to increase water supply - Read more

Decatur residents have spoken.  Reduce the number of gambling establishments - Learn more

City staff propose rerouting $1 million in neighborhood revitalization funds to unrelated projects - See more 

Is urban agriculture one solution to reducing gun violence in Decatur? - Read more  

Selling greenspace for a development is poor public policy - Learn more

Decatur's most vulnerable suffer greatest losses from city actions - See more     

Restricting the ability for public comment at council meetings was shortsighted - Read more


Dr. David J. Horn proudly serves on the city council in Decatur, IL.  His second term runs from May 2021 - April 2025.

Information about recent and upcoming Decatur City Council meetings, as well as the latest news about David's work on the council, can be found on this webpage.  Visit Councilman David Horn's Facebook Page - Horn for Decatur for timely information on topics to be discussed at council meetings, summaries of each meeting, statistics about the city, and responses to concerns of community members. 

Decatur City Council member David Horn is here to help.  Please contact him at 217-358-5003 or when he can be of assistance.  Contact information for all members of the city council can be found on the city's website (   

The Decatur City Council meets on the first and third Monday of each month (except during holidays when the meeting is held on Tuesday).  The council may also meet for study sessions and special meetings during other Mondays.  The agenda and documents for each meeting are posted on the city's website the Thursday evening preceding the council meeting (

Meetings take place at 5:30 PM in the City Council Chambers located on the third floor of the Decatur Civic Center (1 Gary K. Anderson Place).  Free parking is available in the lot immediately south of the entrance.  Citizens are encouraged to attend, and 3 minutes per citizen is allotted for public comment near the beginning of each meeting.  

"One of the most important qualities of a leader is to listen, and my first priority has been to meet with as many of the citizens of Decatur as I can.  Whether the individuals that I met were struggling or prospering there has been one common theme: Decatur is a kind, caring, compassionate community.  Decatur is a city poised for positive transformation with its best days ahead of it." -David Horn

Horn for Decatur
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